This series of articles compiles seven pieces written by José Miguel Arráiz, director of the apologetics website, in response to a debate with Alejandro Bermúdez Rosell. Bermúdez, formerly a well-known host on the Catholic network EWTN and former Director of the ACI Group—which includes ACI Prensa, Catholic News Agency, ACI Digital, and Enciclopedia Católica—published a series of seven programs on ACI Prensa arguing that God does not punish in this life. In contrast, José Miguel Arráiz, the author of this series, defends the opposing thesis.
- Does God Punish or Not?
- Response to Alejandro Bermúdez: God does punish
- Where did the “punishment-phobia” come from?
- How to properly engage in apologetics
- Punishment is an evil that God permits for a greater good
- Implications of denying that God punishes
- Final objections
- Observations on the Digital Book by Alejandro Bermúdez